By Gina Mennett Lee, M.Ed. It Yesterday, Food Allergy Research and Education released “Creating a Food Allergy Safety Zone At Home” and I jumped for joy but not for the reasons you would expect.  While I think this is a fantastic resource for the newly diagnosed, I believe it should be used to reach.. read more →

By Gina Mennett Lee, M.Ed. Food Allergy Educator & Consultant     One of the most important skills in managing food allergies is the ability to identify an allergic reaction.  Early identification is critical.  I am sharing this FREE poster with you in hopes that you will download it and use it.  The information.. read more →

By Gina Mennett Lee, M.Ed. The number of children with food allergies in the United States is now estimated to be 1 in 13.  This means there are approximately 2 children in every classroom with food allergies.   That number is especially alarming given that children with food allergies can be at risk for having a.. read more →

I am truly honored to be an expert contributor to the highly respected AllergyHome website.  AllergyHome provides some of the best food allergy resources for the school setting .   AllergyHome’s  mission is to “bring food allergy awareness and education to your community.”   If you haven’t already, please take the time to look through the.. read more →

By Gina Mennett Lee, M.Ed. Many schools and childcare centers are wrestling with this very question.  But the answer could be closer than one might expect.  Rules and expectations are a regular part of the school setting.  We just need to apply them to this specific concern. Here is an example. Many schools have programs.. read more →