By Gina Mennett Lee, M.Ed.


I have been asked to speak about the topic of being thoughtful about our words and actions when communicating in public many times over the past few months.  I usually use this quote during the presentations and I think it is worth sharing in light of what took place at a Clawson, Michigan Board of Education meeting.  After making an inappropriate remark that spawned a flurry of responses from the food allergy community, the woman who made the remark resigned from her position.  (to read more, click HERE)

Was her resignation an appropriate response?

In my opinion it is the least that she could do. (I’d also like to see a public apology from her and an effort for her to become educated about food allergies and their management. Her statements were hurtful to the food allergy community and also no doubt to those impacted by school shootings. )  No doubt, all of us have said things we wished we hadn’t and I am sure this woman regrets her statement.  However, as I stated in a previous post, we must hold our elected officials to a high standard of behavior.  When given a public position, your voice represents more than just yourself or your family.  You represent the community you serve and become role model.  It is a huge responsibility and one that should not be entered into lightly.

When someone in the public eye makes such a hurtful and insensitive comment in a public forum (in a televised/recorded meeting no less), it is imperative that action be taken that is in alignment with the morals and values of that community.  It important to those that were hurt by the comment to see that action has been taken and it is important to our children that we practice what we practice what we preach and we set a positive example.  As members of the community holding people accountable is the very least that we can do and is our responsibility as a society.

What do you think?