A mom of one of my daughter’s buddies sent me a link to the Upworthy story about this bear.  Developed by the company Sproutel, Jerry the Bear helps children feel supported while also teaching critical food allergy management skills.  (He initially was created to help children with Type 1 Diabetes.)   He interacts with the child teaching him or her about basic management while also being a loving friend.

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What a beautiful and genius idea!

Wouldn’t it be great if every child with a new diagnosis was given this bear?  I believe it would help not only the child but the whole family to better cope with a life-changing diagnosis such as food allergy.  Jerry, of course, would be perfect in health care settings and for use at home.  However, I’d also love to see Jerry in preschools and elementary schools helping other children to better understand their classmates’ medical conditions through the power of play.  The applications are endless and the potential positive impact is thrilling!

To find out more, visit JerrytheBear.com and join the company’s email list.  You can also find out how to pre-order Jerry (expected this summer).


Screen shot 2015-12-09 at 9.57.36 PMWhat do you think about Jerry the Bear?